The Point of No Return
data visualization • web development
Winner at the Information is Beautiful Awards 2017A website designed to inform people about climate change adaptation. The subject is explored through a series of interactive data visualizations. All the gathered data are available online from official sources.
YEAR: 2016-2017
TEAM: Valeria Aufiero, Andrea Benedetti, Alessia Bissolotti, Beatrice Gobbo, Simone Costagliola
The Point of No Return is part of a larger project that follows the discussion around climate change on the internet and the possible impact of the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president on this phenomenon. The team followed all the steps of the project, from research to development.
We were asked to use information visualization both as an analytical and a expressive tool, to observe, understand, shape and communicate the complex phenomenon of climate change adaptation.
Phase 1: The Point of No Return
Climate change is an increasingly significant phenomenon, and it’s likely to become something irreversible. The project analyzes how the international community is acting to mitigate the human impact and what actions are taken to help the countries hit by the effects of climate change. The focus is on adaptation. The website is composed of three sections: meeting, talking and acting. These are also the main steps followed by the international community to cooperate when fighting climate change.

Phase 2: The Trump Effect on Climate Change
In the last two years the figure of Donald Trump rose and questioned many of the last events revolving around climate change. Did Donald Trump’s election had an impact on the discussion around the human causes on climate change and on the international debate about the topic?
Part 3: The biggest threat
What is the biggest threat? A scientific phenomenon that can appear distant and far away, or its negation and the negation of international cooperation? The exhibition showcases the results of the research on the topic of climate change, during the last weeks of the American 45th Presidential Elections. Donald Trump appeared as one of the most influential actors in the discussion, and his opinions on the topic of climate change were highly discussed by online news outlets in the United States.
TEAM: Valeria Aufiero, Andrea Benedetti, Alessia Bissolotti, Beatrice Gobbo, Simone Costagliola
YEAR: 2016-2017